开源日报 每天推荐一个 GitHub 优质开源项目和一篇精选英文科技或编程文章原文,坚持阅读《开源日报》,保持每日学习的好习惯。
今日推荐开源项目:《老规矩 markdownlint》
今日推荐英文原文:《What is a Linux user?》
今日推荐开源项目:《老规矩 markdownlint》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:Markdown 这玩意好用啊,简单方便写出来还好看。但是它很简单的同时也让写出来的东西的长相变得很多样化了,为了美观方便易读,就有必要遵守一些老规矩。这个项目就是基于 Node.js 的格式检查器,能够检查 Markdown 文件是否遵守了项目中提到的那些规则——可以试着在书写时就遵守这些规则,让写出来的文件读起来更方便。
今日推荐英文原文:《What is a Linux user?》作者:Anderson Silva
推荐理由:如何定义一个 Linux 用户
What is a Linux user?
The definition of who is a “Linux user” has grown to be a bigger tent, and it’s a great change.
In only two years, the Linux kernel will be 30 years old. Think about that! Where were you in 1991? Were you even born? I was 13! Between 1991 and 1993 a few Linux distributions were created, and at least three of them—Slackware, Debian, and Red Hat–provided the backbone the Linux movement was built on.
Getting a copy of a Linux distribution and installing and configuring it on a desktop or server was very different back then than today. It was hard! It was frustrating! It was an accomplishment if you got it running! We had to fight with incompatible hardware, configuration jumpers on devices, BIOS issues, and many other things. Even if the hardware was compatible, many times, you still had to compile the kernel, modules, and drivers to get them to work on your system.
If you were around during those days, you are probably nodding your head. Some readers might even call them the “good old days,” because choosing to use Linux meant you had to learn about operating systems, computer architecture, system administration, networking, and even programming, just to keep the OS functioning. I am not one of them though: Linux being a regular part of everyone’s technology experience is one of the most amazing changes in our industry!
Almost 30 years later, Linux has gone far beyond the desktop and server. You will find Linux in automobiles, airplanes, appliances, smartphones… virtually everywhere! You can even purchase laptops, desktops, and servers with Linux preinstalled. If you consider cloud computing, where corporations and even individuals can deploy Linux virtual machines with the click of a button, it’s clear how widespread the availability of Linux has become.
With all that in mind, my question for you is: How do you define a “Linux user” today?
If you buy your parent or grandparent a Linux laptop from System76 or Dell, log them into their social media and email, and tell them to click “update system” every so often, they are now a Linux user. If you did the same with a Windows or MacOS machine, they would be Windows or MacOS users. It’s incredible to me that, unlike the ’90s, Linux is now a place for anyone and everyone to compute.
In many ways, this is due to the web browser becoming the “killer app” on the desktop computer. Now, many users don’t care what operating system they are using as long as they can get to their app or service.
How many people do you know who use their phone, desktop, or laptop regularly but can’t manage files, directories, and drivers on their systems? How many can’t install a binary that isn’t attached to an “app store” of some sort? How about compiling an application from scratch?! For me, it’s almost no one. That’s the beauty of open source software maturing along with an ecosystem that cares about accessibility.
Today’s Linux user is not required to know, study, or even look up information as the Linux user of the ’90s or early 2000s did, and that’s not a bad thing. The old imagery of Linux being exclusively for bearded men is long gone, and I say good riddance.
There will always be room for a Linux user who is interested, curious, fascinated about computers, operating systems, and the idea of creating, using, and collaborating on free software. There is just as much room for creative open source contributors on Windows and MacOS these days as well. Today, being a Linux user is being anyone with a Linux system. And that’s a wonderful thing.
The change to what it means to be a Linux user
When I started with Linux, being a user meant knowing how to the operating system functioned in every way, shape, and form. Linux has matured in a way that allows the definition of “Linux users” to encompass a much broader world of possibility and the people who inhabit it. It may be obvious to say, but it is important to say clearly: anyone who uses Linux is an equal Linux user.
开源日报 每天推荐一个 GitHub 优质开源项目和一篇精选英文科技或编程文章原文,坚持阅读《开源日报》,保持每日学习的好习惯。
今日推荐开源项目:《路线图 Nodejs-Developer-Roadmap》
今日推荐英文原文:《How to PyTorch in Production》
今日推荐开源项目:《路线图 Nodejs-Developer-Roadmap》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:相信大家都有看过前端或者后台的学习路线图之类的 Roadmap 了,这次要介绍的是一个关于 Node.js 的路线图,推荐给那些想要学习 Node.js 的朋友或者不知道自己下一步应该学习什么的朋友,其中包括了 web 框架,实时通信,数据库和设计模式等几个大方面。不过别忘了,路线图只是一个指引的作用,自己学会了解什么时候什么工具最适合才是最重要的。
今日推荐英文原文:《How to PyTorch in Production》作者:Taras Matsyk
推荐理由:如何避免使用 PyTorch 的时候犯下一些常见错误
How to PyTorch in Production
ML is fun, ML is popular, ML is everywhere. Most of the companies use either TensorFlow or PyTorch. There are some oldfags who prefer caffe, for instance. Mostly it’s all about Google vs Facebook battle.
Most of my experience goes to PyTorch, even though most of the tutorials and online tutorials use TensofFlow (or hopefully bare numpy). Currently, at Lalafo (AI-driven classified), we are having fun with PyTorch. No, really, we tried caffe, it is awesome unless you have not spent a few days on installing it already. Even better, PyTorch is 1.0 now, we were using it from 0.3 and it was dead simple and robust. Ahhh.. maybe a few tweaks here, a few tweaks there. Most of the issues were easy to fix and did not cause any problems for us. Walk in the park, really.
Here, I want to share the most common 5 mistakes for using PyTorch in production. Thinking about using a CPU? Multithreading? Using more GPU memory? We’ve gone through it. Now let me guide you too.
Mistake #1 — Storing dynamic graph during in the inference mode
If you have used TensorFlow back in the days, you are probably aware of the key difference between TF and PT — static and dynamic graphs. It was extremely hard to debug TFlow due to rebuilding graph every time your model has changed. It took time, efforts and your hope away too. Of course, TensorFlow is better now.
Overall, to make debugging easier ML frameworks use dynamic graphs which are related to so-called Variables in PyTorch. Every variable you use links to the previous variable building relationships for back-propagation.
Here is how it looks in practice:
In most of cases, you want to optimize all computations after the model has been trained. If you look at the torch interface, there are a lot of options, especially in optimization. A lot of confusion caused by eval mode, detach and no_grad methods. Let me clarify how they work. After the model is trained and deployed here are things you care about: Speed, Speed and CUDA Out of Memory exception .
To speed up pytorch model you need to switch it into eval mode. It notifies all layers to use batchnorm and dropout layers in inference mode (simply saying deactivation dropouts). Now, there is a detach method which cuts variable from its computational graph. It’s useful when you are building model from scratch but not very when you want to reuse State of Art mdoel. A more global solution would be to wrap forward in torch.no_grad context which reduces memory consumptions by not storing graph links in results. It saves memory, simplifies computations thus – you get more speed and less memory used. Bingo!
Mistake #2 — Not enabling cudnn optimization algorithms
There is a lot of boolean flags you can set in nn.Module, the one you must be aware of stored in cudnn namespace. To enable cudnn optimization use cudnn.benchmark = True. To make sure cudnn does look for optimal algorithms, enable it by setting cudnn.enabled = True. NVIDIA does a lot of magic for you in terms of optimization which you could benefit from.
Please be aware your data must be on GPU and model input size should not vary. The more variety in shape of data — the fewer optimizations can be done. To normalize data you can pre-process images, for instance. Overall, be creative, but not too much.
Mistake #3 — Re-using JIT-compilation
PyTorch provides an easy way to optimize and reuse your models from different languages (read Python-To-Cpp). You might be more creative and inject your model in other languages if you are brave enough (I am not, CUDA: Out of memory is my motto)
JIT-compilation allows optimizing computational graph if input does not change in shape. What it means is if your data does not vary too much (see Mistake #2) JIT is a way to go. To be honest, it did not make a huge difference comparing to no_grad and cudnn mentioned above, but it might. This is only the first version and has huge potential.
Please be aware that it does not work if you have conditions in your model which is a common case in RNNs.
Full documentation can be found on pytorch.org/docs/stable/jit
Mistake #4 — Trying to scale using CPU instances
GPUs are expensive, as VMs in the cloud. Even if you check AWS one instance will cost you around 100$/day (the lowest price is 0.7$/h) Reference: aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/. Another useful cheatsheet I use is www.ec2instances.info Every person who graduated from 3d grade could think: “Ok, what if I buy 5 CPU instances instead of 1 GPU”. Everyone who has tried to run NN model on CPU knows this is a dead end. Yes, you could optimize a model for CPU, however in the end it still will be slower than a GPU one. I strongly recommend to relax and forget about this idea, trust me.
Mistake #5 — Processing vectors instead of matrices
cudnn – check
no_grad – check
GPU with correct version of CUDA – check
JIT-compilation – check
Everything is ready, what else can be done?
Now it’s time to use a bit of math. If you remember how most of NN are trained using so-called Tensor(s). Tensor is an N-dimensional array or multi-linear geometric vectors mathematically speaking. What you could do is to group inputs (if you have a luxury to) into tensors or matrix and feed it into your model. For instance, using an array of images as a matrix sent to PyTorch. Performance gain equals to the number of objects passed simultaneously.
This is an obvious solution but few people actually using it as most of the time objects are processed one by one and it might be a bit hard to set up such flow architecturally. Do not worry, you’ll make it!
Useful online playgrounds and editors for your UI components
As the age of components is upon us, the building blocks of our application’s UI become a bigger part of our development process.
When building with UI components, development speed and the ability to organize and share components becomes critical in the process.
Many tools were formed in order to aid in this workflow, from docs builders to live online playgrounds and catalogs to faster sharing.
To help you find the right tool, here is a short (unranked) rundown of some useful playgrounds to help you visualize, test, share and develop React components. Feel free to comment and add your own suggestions!
1. Bit
Bit’s component playground isn’t the most feature-rich playground on the list.
However, Bit (GitHub) is the only tool that brings together a component playground with a full component discoverability, development and consumption workflow.
Bit lets you isolate components (including dependancies) and share them from any project into a visual collection, from which your team can find, use and develop them anywhere.
Every component is presented with a live playground, as well as test and build results which Bit runs for every component in isolation. If the component has JSDocs or .md files, Bit will auto-present the component’s docs as well.
Once you choose a component you wish to use, you can install it (and only it) using NPM/Yarn -or- use Bit to import and develop it right from any project.
Through Bit your team can organize and share components, forming a unified hub for your component design system and development in one place. Any team member can share components, update changes and stay in sync.
Bit isn’t limited to React or even UI components, and can be used with any reusable JS and TS code (UI components, Plain JS, Node.js, GraphQL etc).
Codesandbox is a great way to play with components online. Its awesome makers describe it as “an online code editor. It automates things like transpiling, bundling and dependency management for you so you can easily create a new project in a single click. After creating something interesting you can show it to others by just sharing the url. CodeSandbox features a live preview to show the result of the code while you’re typing”.
With the release of v2.5, new UI improvements such as a new sidebar, “view-mode”, floating previews and more were introduced. It also provides configuration support, a neat integration to GitHub and an Angular template.
The Codesandbox client is also released to GitHub.
3. StoryBook and Styleguidist
Storybook and Styleguidist are environments for rapid UI development in React. Both are great tools for speeding development of your Reacts apps.
With Storybook you write stories in JavaScript files. With Styleguidist you write examples in Markdown files. While Storybook shows one variation of a component at a time, Styleguidist can show multiple component variations. Storybook is great for showing a component’s states, and Styleguidist is useful for documentation and demos of different components.
It allows you to browse a component library, view the different states of each component, and interactively develop and test components.
StoryBook helps you develop components in isolation from your app, which also encourages better reusability and testability for your components.
You can browse components from your library, play with their properties and get an instant impression with hot-reload on the web. You can find some popular examples here. Plugins can help make your development process faster, so you can shorten the cycle between code tweaking to visual output.
React Styleguidist is a component development environment with hot reloaded dev server and a living style guide that lists component propTypes and shows editable usage examples based on .md files.
It supports ES6, Flow and TypeScript and works with Create React App out of the box. The auto-generated usage docs can help Styleguidist function as a documentation portal for your team’s different components.
Built by Formidable labs, component-playground is a component for rendering React components with editable source and live preview.
It’s built for fast and easy setup and integration, with a babel-standalone build. It has a larger bundle size than react-live (see below), while using a more familiar editor setup.
Note that unlike react-live, component-playground is not server-side renderable. However, it does support raw evaluation and pretty-printed output out-of-the-box. It’s a cool project, so feel free to take a look.
Stackblitz is an “online IDE for web applications” powered by Visual Studio Code. Much like Codesnadbox, StackBlitz is an online IDE where you can create Angular & React projects that are made shareable via a URL link.
It automatically takes care of installing dependencies, compiling, bundling, and hot reloading as you type. Intellisense smart completions (w/ type definitions from npm), Project Search (Cmd+P), Go to Definition, and other key VS Code features “just work” out of the box.
StackBlitz also utilizes Progressive Web App API’s to run a live dev server in-browser, so you can keep on coding offline. The editor’s core packages are hosted in this GitHub repo. Feel free to jump in and start playing.
Like react-component-playground, this too is a React playground by Formidable labs. React Live emphasizes the ability to render React components and present the user with editable source code and live preview.
It supports server-side rendering and comes in a small bundle, transpiling your code through Bublé, while the code is displayed using Prism.js. The transpiled code is then rendered in the preview component, which does a fake mount, if the code is a component. react-live is more modular and customizable than component-playground, aiming to deliver a production-focused playground for live editing React code. Take a look.
The well familiar and loved open source collaborative web development debugging tool by Remy Sharp is a pioneer in online code playgrounds.
JS Bin lets you write code and have it both save in real-time, and render a full preview in real-time. You can share and edit URLs to work together, while remote rendering lets view the output of your JS Bin on any device on any platform, updating in real-time.
JS Bin provides processors out of the box including coffee-script, LESS, Markdown and Jade. You can also debug remote Ajax calls. With CSS and JSX support, it becomes a useful tool for playing with React components online. Here’s a short guide to setting up common React ecosystem tools using JS Bin.
CodePen is a widely popular online development environment for FrontEnd developers to play and share snippets in a visual way. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, creatively named “pens”, and test them.
You can write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript snippets and get a real-time preview, debug, share and get a feeling of the code hands-on. Preprocessor syntaxes include Sass, LESS, Stylus, PostCSS. Markdown, Haml, Slim, Pug & more, and CodePen even has a special “presentation” mode for showcases.
Here’s a useful Cheatsheet for setting up a React playground on CodePen.
Created at 2009 JS by Oskar Krawczyk and Piotr ZalewaJSFiddle is a veteran and widley popular tool for playing with code online. It provides panels where you can enter code and see the result, including:
HTML — structure code, no need to add bodydoctypehead, that’s added automatically
CSS — styles. You can switch pre-pocessor to SCSS.
JavaScript — behavior. There are many frameworks and code pre-processors you can use.
You can save, run and even fork Fiddles to work and share with others, and even provides a GitHub integration so that you can skip the part of hosting code on JSFiddle and load it directly into the editor from a Github repository.
Here are two options (1+2) for setting up a React setup with JSFiddle.
Created by Noam ElboimUiZoo.js is a rather new and useful dynamic React component library that showcases your components, letting you develop them in an isolated environment and browse what you already have.
You can provide the components and their docs to UiZoo.js, which creates a page for each component and a sidebar to search and filter components
Using JSDoc it parses component’s documentation to show visual information on your component’s page, including description, possible props and full JSX examples. Using its own version of Doctrine, the project supports a wide variety of JSDoc tags. Feel free to jump in and take a look on GitHub.
Before Node.js, web developers always faced the issue of having to use different languages for client-side and server-side scripts. JavaScript was traditionally the language for client-side scripting with the HTML code running in the browser. The invention of Node.js in 2009 introduced server-side scripting with JavaScript code running on the server and generating full dynamic web pages before returning them to the browser. This was a major breakthrough in web development, as Node.js allows using JavaScript both client-side and server-side.
The huge JavaScript community quickly recognized the advantages of using the same language both for the client-side and server-side scripting, and Node.js has become a popular environment for web development. However, there is no limit to perfection, and developers have created quite a number of frameworks for Node.js development to facilitate the web application development.
A framework is basically a functional tool that helps JS developers grow their applications. Using a framework allows automating many repetitive processes, using the common libraries and templates and integrating reusable components. With the global popularity of JavaScript, the list of Node.js frameworks is quite long — that’s why we list only those which we use in our projects or consider to be ambitious.
If you search for Node.js web frameworks, you are sure to come across Express.js very often. Express.js is among the top Node.js frameworks and not without reason — many developers love it for creating an efficient platform for building robust applications and APIs. It is one of the four components of the well-known MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js) which is a toolset that is very frequently used for building web applications. Here Express serves as a middleware between the front-end, database, and back-end of an application.
This routing framework is very flexible and lightweight and offers excellent possibilities in terms of using plugins, extensions and third-party databases. Express.js is often referred to as the server framework for Node.js, as it creates an HTTP server for Node.js and supports the middleware functionality needed to respond to the HTTP requests.
Express.js, being one of the most popular web frameworks for Node.js, has a superb set of documentation and enjoys great community support. This means that you will have little trouble finding reusable components and libraries for Express.js. Moreover, it doesn’t require the use of specific development practices or particular tools, so JavaScript developers get the utmost freedom.
The clear structure created by Express.js is capable of supporting large, feature-rich applications using big data, such as media streaming or live chats. Its excellent scalability possibilities allow building enterprise-size applications with top-quality performance. Using Express.js our DA-14 team built a powerful booking application for tradesmen, called Fixington. This service helps you find reliable tradespeople in a minute and book them online. While another well-known example is Myspace, a social network that, among other functions, supports video and audio sharing as well as online radio. One more case of a great web app designed with Express.js is Yummly, a recipe search website providing personalized cooking recommendations.
Koa2 is the second version of the Koa framework. Koa is the product of the same team that created Express.js; however, it is rather different from Express.js and not nearly as popular. It is now in the process of heavy development, with version 2 being the stable release of this framework.
Koa2 belongs to the family of Node.js MVC frameworks, where MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. The three components of MVC are the model which is the data of the application, the view which is the data representation via the app UI, and the controller transferring requests and updates between the model and the view.
Comparing Koa2 vs Express, the first one is more modular and lightweight with better customization possibilities. Koa2 allows you to start with an application that is almost empty and add only those features you need, as you go along. Also, it has good error-handling capabilities due to its use of generators that allow doing without callbacks and the issues that may be related to them.
Koa2 uses a number of specific methods which makes it somewhat difficult to learn. Moreover, it requires at least some basic knowledge in promises and generators. In any case, this difficulty should not discourage JavaScript developers appreciating its obvious benefits.
Sails.js is another MVC framework for Node.js which was also created by the team behind Express.js; however, it comes with better capabilities than the latter. Diving deeper, Sails comes with an object-rational mapping (ORM) solution to enable the use of literally any database. This Waterline tool saves Node.js developers the trouble of configuring multiple database queries. What is more, this MVC Node.js framework supports Socket.io by default, which makes it one of the best choices for social media apps, messaging tools, and collaborative software solutions.
Talking about other benefits of Sails.js, it is easily compatible with multiple front-end development platforms without restricting the developers’ choice of their toolset. It uses the same MVC structure as many other frameworks ensuring seamless transitions. The request handling mechanism in Sails.js is the same that is used in Express.js, thus giving it the same quality performance. In general, it’s a good solution for quick and easy building of browser-based apps.
Sails.js was used in the development of websites for Verizon, a US-based telecommunications company, and the Detroit Lions, an American football team. In total, the homepage of the Sails.js framework lists about two dozen globally-known brands that chose it for their development.
NestJS is a new kid on the block among Node.js frameworks. It is focused on server-side scripting and is intended to build server-side applications. What makes NestJS different from other Node.js web application frameworks is that it uses TypeScript, a special superset of JavaScript as its programming language. If you are familiar with Angular, which also uses TypeScript, you will have no problem building your backend with NestJS, as components and syntax will look quite familiar.
This framework has a modular structure organizing code into separate modules. With such structure, using external libraries is much easier. Moreover, the main idea behind Nest.JS is to provide architecture to the applications right out of the box, helping developers build easily maintainable, scalable, and loosely bound software solutions.
NestJS is now in the first stages of its development; however, it has already made some claims in the web application frameworks sector.
LoopBack is another creation of the Express.js team and is built right on top of it. Loopback is an API framework for Node.js allowing you to build APIs that work with any client and can connect various devices. APIs created with LoopBack can be easily connected to backend data sources. LoopBack is also known for the support of multiple databases — Oracle, MongoDB, and SQL.
Another useful feature of LoopBack is the built-in API explorer allowing software developers to generate API documentation and SDKs.
Learning LoopBack from scratch may seem a bit difficult; however, once you get proficient enough, you will appreciate its performance. Among the brands that use LoopBack for their websites and applications, you can find such names as GoDaddy, a US-based domain registrar and web-hosting provider, and Symantec developing cyber-security solutions. The DA-14 team employed LoopBack while building Cosmunity, a social media app for geeks that can already boast thousands of fans worldwide.
No list of Node.js frameworks would be complete without Meteor. It is one of the most popular full-stack frameworks for Node.js. It enables easy and straightforward creation of real-time applications. The great thing about Meteor is that it uses the same API on the server side and the client side, thus improving the overall app performance.
Meteor works properly right out of the box. It suggests a recommended stack, thus you can immediately start working on the application. At the same time, the framework is very flexible and permits the use of any other technology that you find more suitable for a particular task.
Other advantages of Meteor include its extremely lightweight structure with much fewer lines of code required. Besides, Meteor offers quite a lot of pre-written modules that can be used right away. Also, the vast Meteor community is a source of many reusable packages and modules.
Meteor uses the same code on multiple devices, and that makes it the perfect choice for creating mobile applications running on different devices. With the same code used across all devices, the updates can be implemented easily.
Brands such as IKEA, a global furniture company, and Honeywell, a large corporation working on products and services for the Internet of Things sector, use Meteor for their web development.
Derby.js belongs to MVC frameworks and can be used both for client-side and server-side script development. Its “crown jewel” is Racer, a data synchronization engine that enables quick and efficient data timing between different browsers and servers and the application database.
The initial Derby.js package consists of a number of standard Node.js modules. However, you are free to add custom code and integrate third-party modules to build highly efficient web applications.
The great data synchronization possibilities offered by Derby.js make it an obvious choice for real-time collaboration apps. Quick automatic timing and concurrency allow support of multiple users of the same application with simultaneous editing options. The use of server rendering ensures good search engine support and immediate page loads.
Unlike many other frameworks we’ve mentioned here, Hapi.js has nothing to do with Express.js, and thus may be considered one of its competitors. Hapi.js was first created with the aim of supporting the work of a large distributed team, and since then the framework is considered to be the perfect choice for enterprise-size applications that are built by large and distributed teams.
Hapi.js enables great collaboration possibilities through focus on plugins that allow working on separate components without affecting the rest of the application. This framework is very well suited for creating reusable components that will help businesses reduce development time.
Hapi.js framework was used in building the web applications and sites for Walmart retail chain, Yahoo web services provider, and, believe it or not, the UK Government.
Mean.io is another full-stack framework, and from its name it is obvious which stack it uses. It offers everything that is needed to start application development right out of the box, thus with Mean.io you can set to work immediately. As it is a complete development stack, there’s no need to select separate components and experiment with them. Moreover, all tools used in this framework are immediately configured to be used together.
The Mean.io framework includes not only the four components of the MEAN stack, but a number of other web development tools, such as GraphQL and Babel. This way, with Mean.io, you can have a complete JavaScript-based toolset for web application development.
Mean.io can be used to build applications of all sizes and complexity. The effectiveness of the MEAN stack is well-known in the developers’ community, and quite a lot of web applications and sites have been built using this toolset.
Total.js is the last in our Node.js web framework comparison list; however, it also deserves our attention. It is an MVC server-side framework that is highly suitable for creating web applications. It is very flexible in terms of compatibility with various databases supporting MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and works well with a number of frontend networks, such as Angular, React, and Ember.
Total.js has a modular structure, and its standard package includes various utilities that can be used in web development, such as an SMTP mail sender tool, an image processing tool, a web server, and others.
Total.js is great for creating responsive applications at a relatively low maintenance cost and can be relied on to provide sufficient scalability and performance.
How to choose the Node.js framework
We have looked at ten of the best-known Node.js frameworks that are available today and have seen that all of them have their strong points. So, how to make the right choice for your project?
Naturally, you should start with the type of project; analyze its specifics and the way they can be matched by each of the frameworks. You can also factor in such considerations as:
availability and completeness of documentation;
community size;
open issues on GitHub;
type of issues it can solve;
compatibility with other tools you are planning to use.
At the same time, all frameworks are meant to ease the development process. Thus, each of them is going to add quality and raise the performance of your application.