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今日推荐开源项目:《Python 代码转换器 Black》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:这个转换器可以把你的 Python 代码转换成……另一个 Python 代码,当然了,是更好懂的那种。不管你的代码有多乱,只要它还是 Python 代码,转换之后看起来都一个样,该对齐对齐该换行换行,最起码变成了谁都能看懂的代码,如果你们有一个很多人的团队兴许可以试试这个,而且我觉得这玩意以后可能还有 C++ 和 JS 之类的传新版本会出……
今日推荐英文原文:《Weekend Reading: All Things Bash》作者:Carlie Fairchild
推荐理由:关于 Bash 的相关文章,推荐给正在玩 Bash 的朋友
Weekend Reading: All Things Bash
Bash is a shell and command language. It is distributed widely as the default login shell for most Linux distributions. We’ve rounded up some of the most popular Bash-related articles for your weekend reading.
Create Dynamic Wallpaper with a Bash Script
By Patrick Wheelan
Harnessthe power of bash and learn how to scrape websites for exciting new images every morning.
Developing Console Applications with Bash
By Andy Carlson
Bring the power of the Linux command line into your application development process.
Parsing an RSS News Feed with a Bash Script
By Jim Hall
I can automate an hourly job to retrieve a copy of an RSS feed, parse it, and save the news items to a local file that the website can incorporate. That reduces complexity on the website, with only a little extra work by parsing the RSS news feed with a Bash script.
By Adam Kosmin
Being a minimalist, I have little interest in dealing with GUI applications that slow down my work flow or application-specific solutions (such as browser password vaults) that are applicable only toward a subset of my sensitive data. Working with text files affords greater flexibility over how my data is structured and provides the ability to leverage standard tools I can expect to find most anywhere.
By Shawn Powers
Cacti is not a new program. It’s been around for a long time, and in its own way, it’s a complicated beast itself. I finally really took the time to figure it out, however, and I realized that it’s not too difficult to use. The cool part is that Cacti makes RRDtool manipulation incredibly convenient. It did take me the better part of a day to understand Cacti fully, so hopefully this article will save you some time.
Reading Web Comics via Bash Script
By Jim Hall
I follow several Web comics. I used to open my Web browser and check out each comic’s Web site. That method was fine when I read only a few Web comics, but it became a pain to stay current when I followed more than about ten comics. These days, I read around 20 Web comics. It takes a lot of time to open each Web site separately just to read a Web comic. I could bookmark the Web comics, but I figured there had to be a better way—a simpler way for me to read all of my Web comics at once.
My Favorite bash Tips and Tricks
By Prentice Bisbal
Save a lot of typing with these handy bash features you won’t find in an old-fashioned UNIX shell.
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