Tackling Front End Performance —Strategy, Tools, and Techniques
Performance, we all know it matters. Coming from the country with the fastest fixed broadband speed in the world, Singapore, I do take that fast internet speed for granted.
I never did realise how important speed would be till today, as I write this article from the British Library, experiencing the sheer slowness of public wifi.
There are usually different strategies when it comes to improving front end performance, and depending on your organisation’s needs and goals, the strategy I share here may be relevant you. I usually adapt a two pronged approach when it comes to performance.
The Two Pronged Approach
The first would be to optimise during development, this means doing as much as you can before you deploy your site. This is, but not limited to, image optimisation, asset minification, deferring scripts etc.
Once that is done, the second bit would be to optimise the site after it has been deployed. This means using tools such as Pagespeedtest, LightHouse, or Pingdom to test your site. You will be able to get a report on how your site is performing, and then tackle the issues that are plaguing your site’s performance.
I use a combination of Pagespeedtest, Lighthouse, Pingdom, and DevTools’ performance tab to monitor and track performance.
Each of these individual tools come with their own metrics to how performant your site is, and you can then tweak your site following the recommendations of each tool.
Remember that while these are great suggestions, there are times when you can choose to deliberately not follow a recommendation given (See Flash of Unstyled Content a.k.a FOUT).
There are a couple of ‘low hanging fruits’ which I usually prefer to do when building a site, again this strategy works for me and are quick wins, and you may have your own strategy or plan for performance in the long run.
Image Optimisation
Optimising images will help with your site’s load time, this is especially important if are a e-commerce site where speed is essential. Optmising images is easy, I use imageoptim (Available for mac, there are other alternatives for Windows on the page) to optimise my images before deployment.
If images on your site are served dynamically, you might want to look into a image optimisation service that helps you optimise images on the fly.
Asset Minification (HTML, CSS, JS)
Very often during development, you might leave in comments or indent your code in a certain to make it more legible. Minification is a technique that strips out all unnecessary characters within a file, thereby shrinking your file down to a smaller size.
I use Webpack for my projects nowadays, and it has minification built in if you use the create-react-app or vue-cli for scaffolding. If you were to use a static site generator like Jekyll, there is a plugin called jekyll-compress-html which helps you compress HTML, and jekyll’s built-in compression for SASS/CSS/JS.
Defer local and third-party scripts
Deferring local and third-party scripts as much as possible means that the essential / critical bits of your site should load first. You can easily do that with a <script defer> on scripts you want to defer.
This comes hand in hand with Critical CSS.
Critical CSS for above the fold content
Critical CSS is a technique where you have two separate CSS files. One for above the fold critical content, while the other non-critical file for content that comes later, or below the fold.
You have the critical css in the <head> tag of your file, and the non-critical ones in the <script> tag at the bottom of the same file. There is a useful tool called the Critical Path CSS Generator that helps generates your above the fold CSS.
HTTPS first, and then HTTP/2
By default, Google Chrome will display a ‘Not Secure’ sign at the address bar if your site is not secure.
Having HTTPS implemented means your site is served securely, and without it, anything you submit via a form can be seen. This means passwords, credit card details etc.
While it is not necessary, I prefer having HTTPS as it is a prerequisite to using service workers, which can give you a major performance boost on your site. Plus, HTTPS is easy enough to implement that I do not see why you shouldn’t have it on your site.
One caveat when migrating to HTTPS is your existing user base. If a lot of your users are using legacy browsers, then you will need to have a different process for serving pages to the older browsers, while using HTTPS for the modern ones. Opera Mini and UC Browser does not support HTTPS.
Also, with HTTP/2, optimisation techniques that work will with HTTPS/1.1, might have to be relook if you have HTTP/2 implemented (e.g. multiplexing). I will cover this in a separate article in the future.
While some of the optimisation techniques shared here should cover your general needs, there are still many other techniques that you can apply if you have the time and budget for it.
How to solve 90% of NLP problems: a step-by-step guide
Text data is everywhere
Whether you are an established company or working to launch a new service, you can always leverage text data to validate, improve, and expand the functionalities of your product. The science of extracting meaning and learning from text data is an active topic of research called Natural Language Processing (NLP).
NLP produces new and excitingresults on a daily basis, and is a very large field. However, having worked with hundreds of companies, the Insight team has seen a few key practical applications come up much more frequently than any other:
Identifying different cohorts of users/customers (e.g. predicting churn, lifetime value, product preferences)
Accurately detecting and extracting different categories of feedback (positive and negative reviews/opinions, mentions of particular attributes such as clothing size/fit…)
Classifying text according to intent (e.g. request for basic help, urgent problem)
While many NLP papers and tutorials exist online, we have found it hard to find guidelines and tips on how to approach these problems efficiently from the ground up.
How this article can help
After leading hundreds of projects a year and gaining advice from top teams all over the United States, we wrote this post to explain how to build Machine Learning solutions to solve problems like the ones mentioned above. We’ll begin with the simplest method that could work, and then move on to more nuanced solutions, such as feature engineering, word vectors, and deep learning.
After reading this article, you’ll know how to:
Gather, prepare and inspect data
Build simple models to start, and transition to deep learning if necessary
Interpret and understand your models, to make sure you are actually capturing information and not noise
We wrote this post as a step-by-step guide; it can also serve as a high level overview of highly effective standard approaches.
This post is accompanied by an interactive notebook demonstrating and applying all these techniques. Feel free to run the code and follow along!
Step 1: Gather your data
Example data sources
Every Machine Learning problem starts with data, such as a list of emails, posts, or tweets. Common sources of textual information include:
Product reviews (on Amazon, Yelp, and various App Stores)
Troubleshooting (customer requests, support tickets, chat logs)
“Disasters on Social Media” dataset
For this post, we will use a dataset generously provided by Figure Eight, called “Disasters on Social Media”, where:
Contributors looked at over 10,000 tweets culled with a variety of searches like “ablaze”, “quarantine”, and “pandemonium”, then noted whether the tweet referred to a disaster event (as opposed to a joke with the word or a movie review or something non-disastrous).
Our task will be to detect which tweets are about a disastrous event as opposed to an irrelevant topic such as a movie. Why? A potential application would be to exclusively notify law enforcement officials about urgent emergencies while ignoring reviews of the most recent Adam Sandler film. A particular challenge with this task is that both classes contain the same search terms used to find the tweets, so we will have to use subtler differences to distinguish between them.
In the rest of this post, we will refer to tweets that are about disasters as “disaster”, and tweets about anything else as “irrelevant”.
We have labeled data and so we know which tweets belong to which categories. As Richard Socher outlines below, it is usually faster, simpler, and cheaper to find and label enough data to train a model on, rather than trying to optimize a complex unsupervised method.
Step 2: Clean your data
The number one rule we follow is: “Your model will only ever be as good as your data.”
One of the key skills of a data scientist is knowing whether the next step should be working on the model or the data. A good rule of thumb is to look at the data first and then clean it up. A clean dataset will allow a model to learn meaningful features and not overfit on irrelevant noise.
Here is a checklist to use to clean your data: (see the code for more details):
Remove all irrelevant characters such as any non alphanumeric characters
Tokenize your text by separating it into individual words
Remove words that are not relevant, such as “@” twitter mentions or urls
Convert all characters to lowercase, in order to treat words such as “hello”, “Hello”, and “HELLO” the same
Consider combining misspelled or alternately spelled words to a single representation (e.g. “cool”/”kewl”/”cooool”)
Consider lemmatization (reduce words such as “am”, “are”, and “is” to a common form such as “be”)
After following these steps and checking for additional errors, we can start using the clean, labelled data to train models!
Step 3: Find a good data representation
Machine Learning models take numerical values as input. Models working on images, for example, take in a matrix representing the intensity of each pixel in each color channel.
Our dataset is a list of sentences, so in order for our algorithm to extract patterns from the data, we first need to find a way to represent it in a way that our algorithm can understand, i.e. as a list of numbers.
One-hot encoding (Bag of Words)
A natural way to represent text for computers is to encode each character individually as a number (ASCII for example). If we were to feed this simple representation into a classifier, it would have to learn the structure of words from scratch based only on our data, which is impossible for most datasets. We need to use a higher level approach.
For example, we can build a vocabulary of all the unique words in our dataset, and associate a unique index to each word in the vocabulary. Each sentence is then represented as a list that is as long as the number of distinct words in our vocabulary. At each index in this list, we mark how many times the given word appears in our sentence. This is called a Bag of Words model, since it is a representation that completely ignores the order of words in our sentence. This is illustrated below.
Visualizing the embeddings
We have around 20,000 words in our vocabulary in the “Disasters of Social Media” example, which means that every sentence will be represented as a vector of length 20,000. The vector will contain mostly 0s because each sentence contains only a very small subset of our vocabulary.
In order to see whether our embeddings are capturing information that is relevant to our problem (i.e. whether the tweets are about disasters or not), it is a good idea to visualize them and see if the classes look well separated. Since vocabularies are usually very large and visualizing data in 20,000 dimensions is impossible, techniques like PCA will help project the data down to two dimensions. This is plotted below.
The two classes do not look very well separated, which could be a feature of our embeddings or simply of our dimensionality reduction. In order to see whether the Bag of Words features are of any use, we can train a classifier based on them.
Step 4: Classification
When first approaching a problem, a general best practice is to start with the simplest tool that could solve the job. Whenever it comes to classifying data, a common favorite for its versatility and explainability is Logistic Regression. It is very simple to train and the results are interpretable as you can easily extract the most important coefficients from the model.
We split our data in to a training set used to fit our model and a test set to see how well it generalizes to unseen data. After training, we get an accuracy of 75.4%. Not too shabby! Guessing the most frequent class (“irrelevant”) would give us only 57%. However, even if 75% precision was good enough for our needs, we should never ship a model without trying to understand it.
Step 5: Inspection
Confusion Matrix
A first step is to understand the types of errors our model makes, and which kind of errors are least desirable. In our example, false positives are classifying an irrelevant tweet as a disaster, and false negatives are classifying a disaster as an irrelevant tweet. If the priority is to react to every potential event, we would want to lower our false negatives. If we are constrained in resources however, we might prioritize a lower false positive rate to reduce false alarms. A good way to visualize this information is using a Confusion Matrix, which compares the predictions our model makes with the true label. Ideally, the matrix would be a diagonal line from top left to bottom right (our predictions match the truth perfectly).
Our classifier creates more false negatives than false positives (proportionally). In other words, our model’s most common error is inaccurately classifying disasters as irrelevant. If false positives represent a high cost for law enforcement, this could be a good bias for our classifier to have.
Explaining and interpreting our model
To validate our model and interpret its predictions, it is important to look at which words it is using to make decisions. If our data is biased, our classifier will make accurate predictions in the sample data, but the model would not generalize well in the real world. Here we plot the most important words for both the disaster and irrelevant class. Plotting word importance is simple with Bag of Words and Logistic Regression, since we can just extract and rank the coefficients that the model used for its predictions.
Our classifier correctly picks up on some patterns (hiroshima, massacre), but clearly seems to be overfitting on some meaningless terms (heyoo, x1392). Right now, our Bag of Words model is dealing with a huge vocabulary of different words and treating all words equally. However, some of these words are very frequent, and are only contributing noise to our predictions. Next, we will try a way to represent sentences that can account for the frequency of words, to see if we can pick up more signal from our data.
Step 6: Accounting for vocabulary structure
In order to help our model focus more on meaningful words, we can use a TF-IDF score (Term Frequency, Inverse Document Frequency) on top of our Bag of Words model. TF-IDF weighs words by how rare they are in our dataset, discounting words that are too frequent and just add to the noise. Here is the PCA projection of our new embeddings.
We can see above that there is a clearer distinction between the two colors. This should make it easier for our classifier to separate both groups. Let’s see if this leads to better performance. Training another Logistic Regression on our new embeddings, we get an accuracy of 76.2%.
A very slight improvement. Has our model started picking up on more important words? If we are getting a better result while preventing our model from “cheating” then we can truly consider this model an upgrade.
The words it picked up look much more relevant! Although our metrics on our test set only increased slightly, we have much more confidence in the terms our model is using, and thus would feel more comfortable deploying it in a system that would interact with customers.
Step 7: Leveraging semantics
Our latest model managed to pick up on high signal words. However, it is very likely that if we deploy this model, we will encounter words that we have not seen in our training set before. The previous model will not be able to accurately classify these tweets, even if it has seen very similar words during training.
To solve this problem, we need to capture the semantic meaning of words, meaning we need to understand that words like ‘good’ and ‘positive’ are closer than ‘apricot’ and ‘continent.’ The tool we will use to help us capture meaning is called Word2Vec.
Using pre-trained words
Word2Vec is a technique to find continuous embeddings for words. It learns from reading massive amounts of text and memorizing which words tend to appear in similar contexts. After being trained on enough data, it generates a 300-dimension vector for each word in a vocabulary, with words of similar meaning being closer to each other.
The authors of the paper open sourced a model that was pre-trained on a very large corpus which we can leverage to include some knowledge of semantic meaning into our model. The pre-trained vectors can be found in the repository associated with this post.
Sentence level representation
A quick way to get a sentence embedding for our classifier is to average Word2Vec scores of all words in our sentence. This is a Bag of Words approach just like before, but this time we only lose the syntax of our sentence, while keeping some semantic information.
Here is a visualization of our new embeddings using previous techniques:
The two groups of colors look even more separated here, our new embeddings should help our classifier find the separation between both classes. After training the same model a third time (a Logistic Regression), we get an accuracy score of 77.7%, our best result yet! Time to inspect our model.
The Complexity/Explainability trade-off
Since our embeddings are not represented as a vector with one dimension per word as in our previous models, it’s harder to see which words are the most relevant to our classification. While we still have access to the coefficients of our Logistic Regression, they relate to the 300 dimensions of our embeddings rather than the indices of words.
For such a low gain in accuracy, losing all explainability seems like a harsh trade-off. However, with more complex models we can leverage black box explainers such as LIME in order to get some insight into how our classifier works.
LIME is available on Github through an open-sourced package. A black-box explainer allows users to explain the decisions of any classifier on one particular example by perturbing the input (in our case removing words from the sentence) and seeing how the prediction changes.
Let’s see a couple explanations for sentences from our dataset.
However, we do not have time to explore the thousands of examples in our dataset. What we’ll do instead is run LIME on a representative sample of test cases and see which words keep coming up as strong contributors. Using this approach we can get word importance scores like we had for previous models and validate our model’s predictions.
Looks like the model picks up highly relevant words implying that it appears to make understandable decisions. These seem like the most relevant words out of all previous models and therefore we’re more comfortable deploying in to production.
Step 8: Leveraging syntax using end-to-end approaches
We’ve covered quick and efficient approaches to generate compact sentence embeddings. However, by omitting the order of words, we are discarding all of the syntactic information of our sentences. If these methods do not provide sufficient results, you can utilize more complex model that take in whole sentences as input and predict labels without the need to build an intermediate representation. A common way to do that is to treat a sentence as a sequence of individual word vectors using either Word2Vec or more recent approaches such as GloVe or CoVe. This is what we will do below.
Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification train very quickly and work well as an entry level deep learning architecture. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are mainly known for their performance on image data, they have been providing excellent results on text related tasks, and are usually much quicker to train than most complex NLP approaches (e.g. LSTMs and Encoder/Decoder architectures). This model preserves the order of words and learns valuable information on which sequences of words are predictive of our target classes. Contrary to previous models, it can tell the difference between “Alex eats plants” and “Plants eat Alex.”
Training this model does not require much more work than previous approaches (see code for details) and gives us a model that is much better than the previous ones, getting 79.5% accuracy! As with the models above, the next step should be to explore and explain the predictions using the methods we described to validate that it is indeed the best model to deploy to users. By now, you should feel comfortable tackling this on your own.
Final Notes
Here is a quick recap of the approach we’ve successfully used:
Start with a quick and simple model
Explain its predictions
Understand the kind of mistakes it is making
Use that knowledge to inform your next step, whether that is working on your data, or a more complex model.
These approaches were applied to a particular example case using models tailored towards understanding and leveraging short text such as tweets, but the ideas are widely applicable to a variety of problems. I hope this helped you, we’d love to hear your comments and questions! Feel free to comment below or reach out to @EmmanuelAmeisen here or on Twitter.
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I can automate an hourly job to retrieve a copy of an RSS feed, parse it, and save the news items to a local file that the website can incorporate. That reduces complexity on the website, with only a little extra work by parsing the RSS news feed with a Bash script.
Being a minimalist, I have little interest in dealing with GUI applications that slow down my work flow or application-specific solutions (such as browser password vaults) that are applicable only toward a subset of my sensitive data. Working with text files affords greater flexibility over how my data is structured and provides the ability to leverage standard tools I can expect to find most anywhere.
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I follow several Web comics. I used to open my Web browser and check out each comic’s Web site. That method was fine when I read only a few Web comics, but it became a pain to stay current when I followed more than about ten comics. These days, I read around 20 Web comics. It takes a lot of time to open each Web site separately just to read a Web comic. I could bookmark the Web comics, but I figured there had to be a better way—a simpler way for me to read all of my Web comics at once.
推荐理由:Linux 上的开源角色扮演游戏,虽然用 Linux 玩游戏可能有点少见,不过也不算是做不到就对了,这里就有一些给 Linux 的游戏
5 open source role-playing games for Linux
Gaming has traditionally been one of Linux’s weak points. That has changed somewhat in recent years thanks to Steam, GOG, and other efforts to bring commercial games to multiple operating systems, but those games are often not open source. Sure, the games can be played on an open source operating system, but that is not good enough for an open source purist.
So, can someone who only uses free and open source software find games that are polished enough to present a solid gaming experience without compromising their open source ideals? Absolutely. While open source games are unlikely ever to rival some of the AAA commercial games developed with massive budgets, there are plenty of open source games, in many genres, that are fun to play and can be installed from the repositories of most major Linux distributions. Even if a particular game is not packaged for a particular distribution, it is usually easy to download the game from the project’s website in order to install and play it.This article looks at role-playing games. I have already written about arcade-style games, board & card games, puzzle games, and racing & flying games. In the final article in this series, I plan to cover strategy and simulation games.
Endless Sky
Endless Sky is an open source clone of the Escape Velocity series from Ambrosia Software. Players captain a spaceship and travel between worlds delivering trade goods or passengers, taking on other missions along the way, or they can turn to piracy and steal from cargo ships. The game lets the player decide how they want to experience the game, and the extremely large map of solar systems is theirs to explore as they see fit. Endless Sky is one of those games that defies normal genre classifications, but this action, role-playing, space simulation, trading game is well worth checking out.
To install Endless Sky, run the following command:
On Fedora: dnf install endless-sky
On Debian/Ubuntu: apt install endless-sky
FreeDink is the open source version of Dink Smallwood, an action role-playing game released by RTSoft in 1997. Dink Smallwood became freeware in 1999, and the source code was released in 2003. In 2008 the game’s data files, minus a few sound files, were also released under an open license. FreeDink replaces those sound files with alternatives to provide a complete game. Gameplay is similar to Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda series. The player’s character, the eponymous Dink Smallwood, explores an over-world map filled with hidden items and caves as he moves from one quest to another. Due to its age, FreeDink is not going to stand up to modern commercial games, but it is still a fun game with an amusing story. The game can be expanded by using D-Mods, which are add-on modules that provide additional quests, but the D-Mods do vary greatly in complexity, quality, and age-appropriateness; the main game is suitable for teenagers, but some of the add-ons are for adult audiences.
To install FreeDink, run the following command:
On Fedora: dnf install freedink
On Debian/Ubuntu: apt install freedink
Technically not a game in itself, ManaPlus is a client for accessing various massive multi-player online role-playing games. The Mana World and Evol Online are the two of the open source games available, but other servers are out there. The games feature 2D sprite graphics reminiscent of Super Nintendo games. While none of the games supported by ManaPlus are as popular as some of the commercial alternatives, they do have interesting worlds and at least a few players are online most of the time. Players are unlikely to run into massive groups of other players, but there are usually enough people around to make the games MMORPGs, not single-player games that require a connection to a server. The Mana World and Evol Online developers have joined together for future development, but for now, The Mana World’s legacy server and Evol Online offer different experiences.
To install ManaPlus, run the following command:
On Fedora: dnf install manaplus
On Debian/Ubuntu: apt install manaplus
Explore and build in an open-ended world with Minetest, a clone of Minecraft. Just like the game it is based on, Minetest provides an open-ended world where players can explore and build whatever they wish. Minetest provides a wide variety of block types and tools, making it a good alternative to Minecraft for anyone wanting a more open alternative. Beyond what comes with the basic game, Minetest can be extended with add-on modules, which add even more options.
To install Minetest, run the following command:
On Fedora: dnf install minetest
On Debian/Ubuntu: apt install minetest
NetHack is a classic Roguelike role-playing game. Players explore a multi-level dungeon as one of several different character races, classes, and alignments. The object of the game is to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor. Players begin on the first level of the dungeon and try to work their way towards the bottom, with each level being randomly generated, which makes for a unique game experience each time. While this game features either ASCII graphics or basic tile graphics, the depth of game-play more than makes up for the primitive graphics. Players who want less primitive graphics might want to check out Vulture for NetHack, which offers better graphics along with sound effects and background music.
To install NetHack, run the following command:
On Fedora: dnf install nethack
On Debian/Ubuntu: apt install nethack-x11 or apt install nethack-console
Did I miss one of your favorite open source role-playing games? Share it in the comments below.