开源日报第775期:《密码学教程 sha256-animation》

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今日推荐开源项目:《密码学教程 sha256-animation》
今日推荐英文原文:《I Don’t Want to Go Back to the Office》

今日推荐开源项目:《密码学教程 sha256-animation》传送门:GitHub链接
今日推荐英文原文:《I Don’t Want to Go Back to the Office》作者:Roberto Hernandez

I Don’t Want to Go Back to the Office

After reading that major companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Slack, and Twitter were seriously thinking about allowing their employees to work from home for the rest of the year, I began to believe that my current company will do the same.

I hate the idea of returning to the office. The idea itself makes me feel sad. This sort of thought doesn’t mean I don’t want to see, talk, or ask random stuff to my closest coworker at the office at all.

Certainly, I miss doing a few things I used to do, like talking a little bit while we were queuing to get a cup of coffee at the coffee machine or playing ping-pong. However, deep down, there are more powerful reasons why I don’t want to return to the office. We will discuss them throughout this article.

Our New Lunchtime

On certain days, I would sit with my wife during our new lunchtime together. I would slowly look at her and say, “I don’t want to return to the office. I hate the idea of returning to the office. I want to work from home from now on — just without any lockdown.”

She turned her eyes on me and told me, “That would be the best thing for us.”

Returning to the office would mean losing many meaningful things that have become an essential part of my day-to-day. Furthermore, I would lose the chance to build some things while staying at home that I couldn’t build at the office.

I Won’t Build a Comfortable Home Space

At some point when you work from home, you will feel the need to build a comfortable workspace. I am talking about a really proper and comfortable space where you find inspiration and creativity.

If I come back to the office, I’m not sure if that will be tagged as a priority. Honestly, I would probably lose the will to build it.

I Won’t Hug My Son at Random Times During the Day

From the beginning of the lockdown until now, I have been blessed with the opportunity to hug my son at random times during the day — whenever I go to the bathroom, prepare a cup of coffee, or take a breather out on the courtyard. That is really amazing and refills my tank in a certain way.

I’m able to see him awake after his naps. I also have the chance to hear his sweet voice or anything funny he might say when he is a little far from me.

So if I come back to the office, I will only have the chance to appreciate that and feel the same way once or twice a week since we live in different areas.

I Won’t Have the Freedom to Take a Shower at Any Time

There are some days when the weather is terribly hot. Moreover, there are certain stressful things you face on a daily basis. These conditions make me feel stuck most of the time — and it turns out a shower is a perfect cure. To throw away this feeling, I usually take a shower, and my flow and energy start to come back.

While you are working from home, you have the freedom to take as many showers as you like at any time of the day. There are many benefits to taking several showers during the day. It helps to reduce stress and gives you a higher level of alertness.

I Won’t Receive a Freshly Made Tortilla From My Closest Neighbor

Due to the pandemic, I’m not living in the city. I moved to the place where I was born and grew up.

My closest neighbor sometimes comes up near a window of my house to ask me if I want a freshly made tortilla, a slice of pizza, bread, or anything else she has cooked. That is amazing! I relish all that comes from her.

If I come back to the office, I will obviously miss this kind of gift.

I Won’t Save Money, and I Have To

Undoubtedly, when we work from home, we have a large list of benefits. From my point of view, there are two of them that are fundamental: saving time and money.

All of us want to save money and earn more, right? So working from home allows us to save money since we’re not using cars or the public transportation system. Our money is not running out as fast. On the contrary, we are saving more.

Also, you do the grocery shopping more wisely and often cook your own food. Without buying food or going out as often, you’re saving even more money.

And since this pandemic has caused economic chaos, it’s a good idea to spend less money than before. We have to save money as much as we can to avoid future headaches and disappointments.

Closing Thoughts

I just wanted to share some powerful reasons why I hope not to return to the office. Furthermore, our world will never be the same after this pandemic. Working from home will not be the new way of working but simply the normal way. It already feels like it!

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it.


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