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今日推荐英文原文:《Top 15 Seekbar and Slider Github UI Libraries and Components [Java, Swift, Kotlin]》作者:They Make Design



Top 15 Seekbar and Slider Github UI Libraries and Components [Java, Swift, Kotlin]

Lots of apps use the user interface elements like seekbar and slider these days. The function of them is pretty simple, but it could be implemented differently from the design perspective. User experience of the function can largely depend on the narrative and the idea of the app. Fortunately, there is a group of app developers who were generous enough to develop some open source UI libraries with these elements and they shared them on Github.

We dig into the archives and find some UI libraries with seekbar and slider. Here they are:

1. AG Circlular Picker by Agilie (Agilie Team)

CircularPicker is helpful for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter.

A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected.

A UISlider replacement made of jelly.

Drop-in replacement for UISlider with ticks, images & animated labels

A beautiful and powerful SeekBar that supports range and vetical

A custom SeekBar on Android, which can be changed the size ,color , thumb drawable , tick drawable , tick text and indicator , also , will show an indicator view with progress above SeekBar when seeking.

This library mainly provides a beautiful and powerful custom SeekBar, the progress of change is displayed by the sign (sign), has a powerful property settings, support for setting the section (node), mark (mark), track (track), thumb (drag Block, progress, sign, etc.

A colorful SeekBar for picking color

A custom reusable circular slider control for Android application

an android circle seekbar library

A beautiful Android custom seekbar, which has a bubble view with progress appearing upon when seeking.

ProgressBar/SeekBar delegate to show floating progress with style

A semicircular seekbar view for selecting angle from 0° to 180° ✨

A circular seekbar for Android, with a control knob! (for the lack of a better word).

A SeekBar suited for showing a preview of something. As seen in Google Play Movies.

If you enjoyed this selection of UI libraries please recommend and share.

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