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今日推荐开源项目:《Markdown编辑器 MarkText》GitHub链接

推荐理由:Mark Text 是一款高性能的 Markdown 编辑器,运行于 Mac、Windows 和 Linux 平台。它没有选择左边写作右边预览的模式,而是直接在输入文字之后预览,同时使用 snabbdom 来渲染页面来保证可以流畅的进行书写和预览。它自身支持支持 CommonMark Spec 和 GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec 语法格式,所以允许直接将生成后的文本复制到支持Markdown的社区和网站。而且它还拥有多种编辑模式,可以自动补全,甚至还可以快速添加斗图。

今日推荐英文原文:《What is the Best Open Source Software to Create an App?》作者:


推荐理由:介绍了可以创建跨平台应用程序的快速开发平台 PhoneGap ,这个开发平台能够使用 CSS,HTML 和 JavaScript 制作用户界面

What is the Best Open Source Software to Create an App?

PhoneGap is the most popular open-source software to develop an application and has been downloaded by thousands of developers millions of times. The software can be installed from mobile app stores and directories. This software works with the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) so it will always stay open source and free under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

While you are planning to build applications for platforms- Android, iPhone, Window, and other different platforms, PhoneGap can solve this by utilizing standard web technologies to link web applications and mobile devices.

Understanding the PhoneGap

Understand the PhoneGap in short; it is an application container technology which helps a software development company in creating pre-installed native applications for mobile implementing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. The framework is 100% open-source under the Apache Cordova project. We are discussing some standard services thoroughly you could know the PhoneGap deeply-

PhoneGap API

PhoneGap offers an API (application programming interface) that enables you for approaching native operating system implementing JavaScript. You can create your application logic with the help of JavaScript code and the API can handle communication with the native operating system. Moreover, you can take benefits of the JavaScript-to-native communication process to customize native plugins in PhoneGap. The Native plugins will allow you to construct your own classes and equivalent JS interfaces for utilizing within PhoneGap applications.

PhoneGap UI

PhoneGap user interface is made using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The UI layer of a PhoneGap application is known as a web browser view that assumes 100% width and height of the device. You can construct your application with navigational, interactive, content elements, and applications chrome using HTML, CSS based UI.

The PhoneGap web view is the same that is utilized by the native operating system.   On iOS platform, this is known as the Objective-C UIWebView class and on Android platform, this is recognized as android.webkit.WebView. So, there are many disparities in the web view rendering engines between operating system.

PhoneGap Application Distribution

As the PhoneGap applications are created in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code the finishing step is binary application archive that can be distributed throughout standard application ecosystems. Have a look at the given points-

  • The output for iOS applications is an IPA file, also known as iOS Application Archive.
  • For Android, the output is an APK file, also considered as Android Package.
  • The output for Window application comes as a XAP file which also known as Application package.

These same application package systems are utilized by Native application and also can be shared throughout the suitable networks like- Amazon market, BlackBerry App World, Window mobile devices market, Android and iOS market etc.

PhoneGap Application Architecture

Specific application developers are going to change on a case-by-case base, but most data-driven applications utilize the following basic architecture-

  • The PhoneGap application works as a client for the customers to cooperate with.
  • The PhoneGap client makes contact with an application server to obtain data.
  •  The application server manages business logic and makes connection with a back-end data warehouse.

PhoneGap can work with any application server utilizing standard web protocols. The server works on business logic and calculations, and usually recovers or endures data from a separate data store – this is generally considered as a relational database, but could be any arrangement or method for data determination.

PhoneGap Plugin Library

We are discussing some PhoneGap plugins that can be used in application development for multiple platforms.

  1. Cordova-Plugin-urlhandler

It can be performed on Android, iOS, and Window platforms.

Installation code

$ Cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-urlhandler -variable URL_SCHEME=mycoolapp


<a href="mycoolapp ://"> Open my app</a>

<a href="mycoolapp://somepath">Open my app</a>

<a href="mycoolapp: //somepath?foo=bar">Open my app</a> 

<a href="mycoolapp: //?foo=bar">Open my app</a>

These all email will work properly while you are launching your application linking with.

  1. Cordova CameraRollLocation plugin

It will provide you an API for connecting camera-roll photos with moment information and location. It can be performed only on iOS platform.

Installation code:-

ionic plugin add Cordova-plugin-add-swift-support –save
ionic plugin add Cordova-plugin-camera-roll-location --save
ionic build ios
  1. PhoneGap Plugin BarcodeScanner

It can support Android, iOS, Window 8, Window phone 8, Browser, and BlackBerry 10.

Installation: –

PhoneGap plugin add PhoneGap-plugin-barcode scanner
  1. Cordova-plugin-parse-pushhandler

IT can support Android and iOS platform and helps in handling push messages from parse.com.

  1. Cordova-plugin-1password

It is used for adding 1 Password App Extension into PhoneGap application and supports only iOS environment.

Installation: –

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-1password

Properties: –

OnePassword.findLoginForUrl(succesCallback, errorCallback, url)

OnePassword.storeLoginForUrl(succesCallback, errorCallback, username, password,Url, title, sectionTitle)

Third-Party Tools for PhoneGap

Some third-party tools are discussed here that can be used with PhoneGap-

  1. ConfiGAP

ConfiGAP was made to make easy the process of creating config.xml file using the PhoneGap Build.

  1. Theme Builder

You can use UI elements that suit your application to create custom theme without writing code in CSS.

  1. BuildFire

It doesn’t require any type of technical skill or proficiency. An iOS or an Android expert could use BuilFire to customize complex applications with very simple steps.

  1. Mobiscroll UI

It provides necessary products when creating AngularJS application on time with cross-platform UI framework and elements. It is easy to start for Angular developers and offers deep customization features.

  1. Amazon Mobile Ads API Plugin

The Amazon Mobile Ads API supports Android, IOS, and FireOS. It is compatible with both mobile and tablet. So, you can use it in your Google play store, Amazon app store, and iTunes.

PhoneGap Community

PhoneGap has vast global community that helps in contributing different types of projects related to app development. They are active to give any information to you anytime and focus solely on your every project providing decisive solutions for efficient development across the mobile platforms.

Hope, in this blog you could understand the PhoneGap facilities which makes it top open-source framework for mobile app development. There are several types of software that offering native or cross-platform mobile app development services for different types of devices. PhoneGap definitely can be a perfect choice for creating different types of native applications. Additionally, PhoneGap provides an Adobe AIR app with online training system so you could learn native APIs and fabricate mobile applications using its own platform.

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