今日推荐开源项目:《心理咨询语料库 efaqa-corpus-zh》
今日推荐英文原文:《To Anyone Feeling Stuck Right Now》

今日推荐开源项目:《心理咨询语料库 efaqa-corpus-zh》传送门:项目链接

今日推荐英文原文:《To Anyone Feeling Stuck Right Now》作者:Shao Zhou
推荐理由:在人生规划这样的大课题上,斯坦福大学的 Odyssey Plan 或许能给我们一些思考。
To Anyone Feeling Stuck Right Now
Find your way with Stanford’s Odyssey Plan
Life feels pretty upside down right now. The pandemic has taught us how quickly things can change. It seems foolish to make any meaningful future plans. In May, I graduated with my MBA from NYU Stern School of Business …online. Since then, I’ve felt stuck and guilty about this period of un-productivity. It’s a “lost time”. But self-care is not laziness. And there is certainly much more abundance that is left to be lived.One key characteristic that has helped me in these harrowing times is that I am a genuine optimistic. I can always find reasons to be cheerful. This is illustrated in my role as a product manager and the practice of design thinking. We never know exactly where we’re going in strategy or how to get there in execution, but we have a vision. A north star. We are hopeful.
Our first ideas are usually not the best. They typically reflect the obvious instead of the best elements to a complete solution. By leveraging the famous 5 steps of design thinking or agile design: empathize, define the problem, ideate, prototype, iterate¹, we can generate many potential paths to solving a customer’s problem. We choose one that seems like a good opportunity, test it out in the market, and fine-tune or pivot the idea along the way.
Instead of thinking we only have one life ahead of us, consider we have the potential of exploring multiple lives.Life is “not over” because the first plan we set out for 2020 hasn’t gone our way. In search of sparking new creativity in my life, I learned about Odyssey Plans developed by Stanford University professors Bill Burnett and Dave Evans that applies design thinking for business into our lives². The mission of their popular class is not about helping you figure out “what you want to be when you grow up”, but on “what you want to grow into next”. By reframing the problem, it reduces our anxiety about needing to figure out our passions right away, and that only one path after graduation leads to a lifetime of happiness and success.
Odyssey planning is a framework to help us identify and test out not only different career possibilities, but all other aspects of life: relationships, hobbies, finances, etc.
Spend 5 minutes each to jot down “back of a napkin” style 3 Odyssey plans on how your life would look like in 5 years if:
1. You continue down the path you are going down right now unaltered 2. You make a different decision to the path — like a plan B 3. You could not fail and money did not matter

We are still on for “Plan A” — it’s just a different tweak!While my plan to become a part-time pilates instructor this year has been foiled, my Odyssey plans revealed a common desire to help others in the evolution of their journey to live happier and healthier lives. I believe in the importance of storytelling. The stories we tell help to heal others, and help to heal ourselves. I am building my bliss by creating content around health, wellness and lifestyle design. I am finding joy in intention meets serendipity.