开源日报第758期:《老游戏 PyBoy》

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今日推荐开源项目:《老游戏 PyBoy》
今日推荐英文原文:《3 Ways to Find Your Inspiration as a Front-End Developer》

今日推荐开源项目:《老游戏 PyBoy》传送门:GitHub链接
推荐理由:利用现代技术重新实现上古游戏一直是一件相当有意思的事情,在实践之后才会发现单纯玩一次时没注意的特别设计,这个项目使用了 Python 重新将那些在 GameBoy 上的上古游戏直接抄了个底,把整个模拟器实现了出来,这和游戏本身比起来又是一种不一样的滋味,毕竟在以前,我们可不会对游戏机本身提什么问题。
今日推荐英文原文:《3 Ways to Find Your Inspiration as a Front-End Developer》作者:Eric McWinNEr

3 Ways to Find Your Inspiration as a Front-End Developer

Resources to spark your imagination and get you coding

As a front-end developer — especially one who isn’t working with a clear cut design, such as those made by a professional user interface designer with tools like XD or Figma — it’s very easy to quickly get uninspired. You feel like you’re hitting a wall with the look and feel of what you’re making — you’re getting the dreaded designer’s block. Lucky for you, I’ve been there a few times now and I know my way around it.

Today, I have three tips to help you find inspiration to build beautiful interfaces that you’ll be proud of.

1. Visit Websites that Showcase Creative Work

There are several websites that showcase outstanding front-end work to help inspire other creative professionals, designers, and developers to create more awesomeness. When visiting these platforms, you’re bound to get an idea or two that you could use or tweak to make yours better.


Dribbble’s home page

Dribbble is one of the very best places to find amazing user interfaces built by professional designers. You can find everything from dashboards, to login pages, to mobile design.


Awwwards awards the best, creative developers who push front-end developments to the very limits with amazing “braingasm” inducing websites.

CSS Design Awards

CSS Design Awards is a platform that awards outstanding web developers and web design and showcases them in order to inspire other developers.

A more comprehensive list of these platforms can be found in Marshall Taylor’s article:19 amazing sources of web design inspiration(https://webflow.com/blog/web-design-inspiration

2. Get Some Inspiration from your Competitors

Good artists copy, great artists steal.
One of the best places to find inspiration is in people who have gone before you — people who have already built something similar to what you’re making. Going through their interface, you could pick a thing or two you could add to and make even better. While I’m not advising you to make a clone of your competitor’s website, I’m saying you could take bits and pieces from it to make yours even better.

3. Find a New Perspective

Sometimes lack of inspiration could really just be a lack of a different perspective.

Sometimes, when one is uninspired, it’s possible you’re looking at things the wrong way, or the brain is just exhausted. My advice: take a break and do something else. Do something you truly enjoy that will take your mind off work.

One of the best ways to gain a new perspective is to take a step back and look at things from a different angle. Doing things fun outside of work releases “feel-good” hormones like dopamine. When you’re happy and rested you can get back to work with much more energy — you get the mental fortitude to see things from different angles.

Another way to gain a new perspective is to seek another pair of eyes. Show your design to someone else — a fellow developer, a designer, or someone who isn’t even into tech. Often, I find just having to explain what I’ve done to someone else, who isn’t the least bit interested in tech and doesn’t even want to be there, is all I need to figure out what’s missing.

Sometimes, something someone says in passing — something they can see — is all you need to see things from a different light.


Whether or not your users use and stay on a site depends a lot on the look and feel of it, which is determined by the front-end developers. Front end development is thus a crucial and delicate job.

While it’s very easy to lose inspiration and feel everything is crap, I believe the list of tips above will help you to create amazing interfaces.


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